Honda has unveiled an improved version of the SP 160 in India, with a starting price of Rs. 1,21,951. The sporty commuter motorcycle is available in two variants: single disc and dual disc, with the latter priced at Rs 1,27,956 (both ex-showroom). The 160cc sporty commuter motorcycle is now Rs 3,000 more expensive in the base variant and Rs 4,605 in the top-spec trim.
What’s new about the 2025 Honda SP 160?
The Japanese motorcycle manufacturer recently released an improved version of the SP 125, and the same set of upgrades has been carried over to the SP 160. The front fascia is given minor changes to give it a crisper appearance. For starters, the 2025 SP 160 gets a muscular fuel tank with sporty shrouds that lend a muscular profile to the motorcycle.
It receives a little more angular headlight cluster that now has LED lighting. The taillamp has also been upgraded to LED. The revised SP 160 comes in four color options: Radiant Red Metallic, Pearl Igneous Black, Pearl Deep Ground Gray, and Athletic Blue Metallic. The previous model was offered in six colors.
In terms of features, the 2025 SP 160 has a 4.2-inch TFT LCD instrument panel with Bluetooth connectivity and call/text alerts. Other significant features include a USB Type-C charging connector and the Honda RoadSync app, which integrates the smartphone with the instrument panel and provides functions like real-time turn-by-turn navigation and music playback.
The SP 160, like the SP 125, uses the same engine, but it is now OBD2B certified to fulfill forthcoming regulatory standards. It is powered by the same 162.71cc, single-cylinder engine that now produces 13 bhp and 14.8 Nm of peak torque, representing a 0.2 horsepower loss. This motor is connected to a 5-speed gearbox.
Source: FE