A film on survival of every living being in unfavorable situations like social boycott, road accidents and man-animal conflict. This is how Vaishali Vasant Kendale, Director of ‘Investing Life’ describes her 52 minute non-feature film, produced by Films Division, that has been screened in the 51st International Film Festival of India (IFFI). In the post-screening press conference held today, the Director said, it should not be looked upon as a biographical film. It recognizes the unconditional work of three common citizens. “They have been silently and single-handedly investing their life for years in survival of every life in surrounding area, which leads to betterment of mankind and ecosystem. There are many such people working at grassroots level. In return they expect nothing”, she said.
Speaking about the road accident sequence in the film, the Director said, “I was not in favour of showing the accident taking place. It was a big challenge for me. My moral was not supporting me in shooting and showing an accident sequence to the audience. Many were opposed to this view. But, I decided to create an aura of the road accident. I used montages for it. Message of the accident was sent across this way”. The film made use of surrealism and metaphors to tell three parallel stories.
The common grassroots level people portrayed in the film are devoting their lives for others. Hence, the name ‘Investing Life’, said the Director. “Biographies are made on great people. But, every living organism and common folks have a significant role to play in our world. All such individual roles are of importance”, added Kendale sharing her thoughts on what went behind the film.