The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has greeted the doctor community on Doctors’ Day today. He said this day, celebrated in the memory of Doctor BC Roy, is the symbol of the highest ideals of our medical fraternity. He thanked the Doctors on behalf of 130 crore Indians for their services during the difficult times in last one and half years of the pandemic. He was addressing an event organized by Indian Medical Association via video conference today.
Acknowledging the doctor’s contribution, the Prime Minister recalled their heroic efforts during the pandemic and paid homage to those who laid down their lives in the service of humanity. The Prime Minister said that our scientists and doctors have found solutions for all the challenges thrown by Corona. Our doctors are facing this new and fast mutating virus on the basis of their experience and expertise. Despite the limitations of long-neglected medical infrastructure and pressure of population, India’s per lakh population rate of infection and death rate is still manageable compared to even developed countries. Loss of lives is always painful but many lives have been saved too. Credit goes to hard-working doctors, healthcare workers, frontline workers for saving many lives, said the Prime Minister.
Shri Modi reiterated the Government’s commitment for the safty of doctors. He mentioned stringent laws that have been brought in for preventing violence against doctors. Along with this, a free insurance cover scheme has been brought for the Covid warriors.
The Prime Minister called upon the doctors to continue to inspire the people to get vaccinated and adopt Covid appropriate behavior. He also commended medical fraternity for spreading awareness about Yoga. Work for propagating Yoga, that should have been done in the last century after Independence, is being done now, said the Prime Minister. He praised the doctors for giving their time to the evidence-based studies on the benefits of yoga for dealing with post-Covid complications. The Prime Minister asked if IMA can take up the evidence-based studies on yoga in a mission mode. He also suggested that studies on yoga could be published in international journals.