By: Shree1news, 24 JULY 2021
“Guru Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwarah, Guru Sakshat Para Brahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha”
Guru Purnima is observed on the full moon day (Purnima) in the Hindu month of Ashadha.
The day is celebrated by expressing gratitude and worshipping the spiritual gurus and teachers. This year, Guru Purnima falls on July 24. Also known as Vyasa Purnima, the day also commemorates the birthday of sage Ved Vyasa, author of a number of important Hindi texts such as Mahabharata and Puranas.
The word Guru derived its origin from the Sanskrit language where ‘Gu’ means darkness and ‘Ru’ means the removal of darkness. Guru simply refers to someone who dispels darkness and disseminates the “light of knowledge.” The festival is also celebrated to remember Lord Buddha, who gave his first sermon on this day to Saptarishis (seven sages) at Sarnath in Uttar Pradesh.
Guru Purnima celebrates India’s tradition of ‘guru-sishya’ – a bond that binds a teacher and a student.