Sensex and Nifty, declined on Tuesday due to profit booking in heavyweights like HDFC twins. After a sharp rally on Monday, Sensex ended 435 points lower at 60,176.50, while Nifty lost over 0.5% to end below the 18,000 mark. The markets started the day on a positive note but slipped into red soon after opening in volatile trade.
While banks and financials were the biggest laggards among sectors, auto and FMCG were the outperformers.
HDFC Ltd and HDFC Bank that had led the stock market’s rally on Monday, declined on profit booking and were the biggest laggards on the indices. NTPC, Power Grid and Adani were among the major gainers in trade on Tuesday.
BSE Midcap and Smallcap indices were the outperformers, ending with stellar gains of over 1.3% each.