Masoom, a nail-biting psychological thriller, is coming to Disney+ Hotstar. Set in Falauli, Punjab, the series will reveal the unspoken truths that surround the Kapoor family’s lives, where complex relationship dynamics shift with time and ambition. The six-episode series, which premieres on June 17th, will feature the digital series debuts of the incomparably talented actor Boman Irani and rising star Samara Tijori, who will portray the other side of a complicated father-daughter relationship.
Masoom, directed by Mihir Desai and showrunner Gurmmeet Singh, is an Indian adaptation of the award-winning Irish series Blood, exploring family ties and deception after the death of a loved one.
The show is produced by Reliance Entertainment’s Dreamers & Doers Co., a premium content studio. Manjari Fadnis, Veer Rajwant Singh, Upasana Singh, and Manurishi Chaddha will join the lead cast. The series also includes a soulful soundtrack by the renowned Anand Bhaskar Collective.
“The story of Masoom begins with a daughter’s search for the truth while her entire family tries to conceal it,” said director Mihir Desai. Her mother’s untimely death serves as a catalyst for uncovering the family’s secrets. I am delighted to have collaborated with Boman Irani and Samara Tijori, who portray a touching father-daughter relationship.”
Veteran actor, Boman Irani, said, “I made my long-awaited digital debut with Masoom on Disney+ Hotstar, who has been creating some of my favorite series this year. The series is a window that opens a new world for me and helps me reach a wider audience. Playing the father to my reel life daughter Samara was quite challenging as it was intense and gritty. It has been fascinating acting alongside fresh talent like Samara and the extremely talented crew. I had the pleasure of seeing a young actor chisel her art and, in a way, it helped me grow too.”
Actor Samara Tijori said, “In Masoom, I play a young girl who is on a quest to uncover the truth when everyone around her wishes to leave it buried. Getting to play this role with a veteran actor like Boman Irani as my on-screen father was a great learning experience. As a whole, working with a cast and crew that had so much experience, I grew as a performer and a person. I really hope audiences enjoy the thrill and rush that the story will take you through.”