Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik approved the provision of a Special Allowance out of State fund for Ambulance staff on Thursday, taking into account the representations made by the crew members and acknowledging the emergency service provided by the 108 Ambulance crew on a 24×7 basis, especially during pandemic/disaster situations. The Special Allowance will be given to drivers and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) at a rate of Rs 5,000 per month, and to helpers at a rate of Rs 3,000 per month starting in February 2024. This will be on top of their current base pay (based on the relevant minimum wage rate).
Since March 2013, the Emergency Medical Ambulance Service has provided a vital lifeline to the people of Odisha. At this time, the 108 Ambulance Service is operational with a fleet of 1,366 Ambulances including 411 ALS Ambulances and 6 Boat Ambulances. The 108 Ambulance fleet provides emergency care and transportation to about 1.3 lakh patients every month.
The 108 Ambulance crew (Driver, Emergency Medical Technician & Helper) work very hard in adverse conditions involving difficult working hours.
The extraordinary services rendered by them during natural calamities, accidents and the Covid pandemic are a testament to their dedication, and this has also been acknowledged by the government from time to time.
Presently the Driver, Helper and EMT of the 108 Ambulances are paid basic salary as per the Minimum Wages Act. The Driver and EMT are classified as skilled workers and the helper as unskilled workers for minimum wages.
The ambulance crew recently requested a raise in pay from Chairman 5T and Nabin Odisha V K Pandian during his district visits, citing their challenging work hours and emergency nature of their jobs.