On Friday evening, Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi opened the three-day district-level annual celebration Malyabanta Mahotsav-2024 at Malkangiri’s DNK venue.
The Mahotsav began with an introductory ceremony attended by District Collector Ashish Iswar Patil and other guests.
According to reports, the day began with a lively ‘Kalash Yatra’ procession, which delivered sacred water from the nearby Jagannath Temple to the Malyabanta Mahotsav location. The one-kilometer procession through Malkangiri’s streets was highlighted by the rhythmic beating of drums, cymbals, and conchs.
The procession drew around 50,000 people and featured engaging performances by dancing troupes from the Bonda, Didyai, and Koya tribes.
Addressing the crowd during the opening ceremony, the Chief Minister stressed that the festival provides a unified platform for artists from across the Malkangiri area to demonstrate their ability. The event has been a huge success, thanks to the active participation of tribal people.
Laying the foundation for 88 projects worth Rs 245.77 crore in the district Majhi further said, “The current BJP government is committed to developing south Odisha, with a special focus on Malkangiri. To achieve this, the government has formed the South Odisha Development Council (SODC). The government will leave no stone unturned to elevate Malkangiri to the status of a frontline district. This government has also vowed to transform Swabhiman Anchal into a true Vikash Anchal, or development hub.”
Chief Minister Majhi emphasized the importance of developing Malkangiri district, with a focus on education, healthcare, infrastructure, and economic empowerment.
“The Malyabanta Mahotsav is a true reflection of the district’s vibrant culture, traditions, and way of life. This extravaganza is an attempt to preserve and promote this cultural heritage, and to provide a platform for the tribal communities to showcase their talents. The state government is committed to providing better amenities and services to the people of Malkangiri, and to preserving the district’s unique cultural heritage.”, maintained CM Majhi.
He also said, “This district has a significant place in history, being the land of brave martyr Laxman Nayak, and a place where Lord Rama is said to have visited. The district is also known for its natural beauty, with rolling hills, waterfalls, and forests. The current government is very much particular to facelift the district for its all-round development.”
Notable guests during the Mahotsav included School and Mass Education Minister Nityanand Gond, Nabarangpur MP Balabhadra Majhi, Malkangiri MLA Narasing Madkami, Chitrakonda MLA Mangu Khilla, zilla parishad chairperson Samari Tangulu, and district collector Ashish Iswar Patil.
During his visit to the festival, the Chief Minister stopped by several stalls on the grounds.
Majhi inaugurated the Krishi Mela that evening. Pramila Majhi, the District Public Relations Officer, moderated the stage.