Chief Secretary Manoj Ahuja chaired a review meeting at Lok Seva Bhavan to evaluate the status of preparations for the 18th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas. The event is set to take place at Janata Maidan in Bhubaneswar from January 8 to 10, 2025.
To assure the success of this triennial program, meetings have been convened at various phases. Departmental secretaries, who are members of various sub-committees, met to discuss their progress, with a focus on event preparations.
The event’s planning began on December 9, with plans made for seating, parking, catering, and other essentials. The Industries Department provided updates, while the Department of Odia Language, Literature, and Culture completed the cultural activities for the occasion.
From January 7 to 11, the 18th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas will host a variety of cultural events, including the Raja Rani Music Festival, Mukteswar Dance Festival, International Odissi Dance Festival, and Flower Exhibition at Ekamra Kanan. From January 5 to 15, other events will include the Adivasi Mela, Chilika Bird Festival, Food Festival, Path Utsav, and Night Flee Market.
The event will be inaugrated on January 8 with the Yuva Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, followed by the 18th Pravasi Bharatiya Conference on January 9. The Pravasi Bharatiya Puraskar Samman event will take place on January 10.
To guarantee that the program is widely distributed, the State Information and Public Relations Department will develop a media plan. In addition, the beautifying of 55 roadways and the development of traffic management, safety, and security systems are underway.
Accommodation arrangements have been prepared for the Indian diaspora attending the conference, with rooms reserved at various hotels. The tourism department is also attempting to improve 28 locations of importance in Bhubaneswar, Cuttack, and Puri.
The Department of Commerce and Transport gave a presentation on preparations at the Bhubaneswar airport, while the Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Departments reviewed current exposition preparations in 40 designated stalls.
The State Museum, Rabindra Mandap, Bhanja Kala Mandap, Harekrushna Mahatab State Library, and Utkal Sangeet Mahavidyalaya premises are now being beautified. Improvements are being made to roads connecting Bhubaneswar, Puri, Konark, and Chilika.