Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi announced on Wednesday that the second tranche of Subhadra Yojana financial aid will be distributed to eligible individuals in March 2025, on International Women’s Day.
According to the Chief Minister, around one crore women from the state are likely to benefit this time.
The Mohan Majhi government created its main welfare project, Subhadra, to provide financial assistance to women from poor backgrounds, thereby alleviating some of the economic difficulties that many families bear.
Distribution to beneficiaries’ bank accounts via Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) will ensure that all qualified women receive their due assistance in a timely and efficient manner, emphasizing the importance of reaching out to everyone in the community.
The first instalment of Rs 5,000 was distributed to about 80 lakh beneficiaries in three phases. As of December 1, 1,05,36,612 women had applied to the Subhadra scheme.