Bajaj Auto has unveiled the 2025 Pulsar RS200 in India, with a starting price of Rs 1.84 lakh (ex-showroom). It should be noted that this is the only fully-faired bike in the brand’s inventory, carrying on the Pulsar name with a 200 cc engine. The bike was first introduced in 2015 and has several features that set it apart from the rest of the family’s bikes. Its most recent incarnation includes modifications that make it more competitive with modern opponents.
Starting with the design, the 2025 Bajaj Pulsar RS200 looks fairly similar to its predecessor. It retains the twin-projector LED headlight arrangement, complimented by brown-colored DRLs and a windshield placed higher. The brand also placed the side mirrors on the headlamp cluster. The fairing of the bike continues to have sharp lines contributing to its aggressive persona. The brand has also added graphics highlighting its sporty nature.
The brand has also included an LCD panel in the revisions. This functions as an instrument cluster and provides Bluetooth communication. The feature set also includes call and SMS notifications, turn-by-turn navigation, and a gear indicator. The bike will have three riding modes: rain, off-road, and road.
The Pulsar RS200’s suspension responsibilities are handled by telescopic front suspension with anti-friction bushings, while the rear end features a Nitrox mono shock absorber with canister. To stop the bike, the manufacturer has installed a 300 mm disc brake in the front and a 230 mm disc brake in the rear. These are fitted on 17-inch wheels.
The 2025 Bajaj Pulsar RS200 is powered by a 200cc liquid-cooled single-cylinder engine. This unit is set to produce 24 horsepower at 9,750 rpm and 18.74 Nm of peak torque at 8,000 rpm. The power unit uses a six-speed transmission with a wet multi-plate clutch. The brand has included help and slipper functions to provide smooth gear transitions.