On Wednesday, Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi announced the establishment of an exclusive industrial park for women investors in the state. In addition, he announced the formation of a separate cell for female EPCL investors. The Chief Minister made these remarks while speaking with female investors at the Utkash Odisha 2025 Conclave today.
On the second day of the conclave, the Chief Minister visited the Women’s Business Leaders Round Table and spoke with prominent women entrepreneurs from the state and throughout the country. This round table meeting was attended by the heads of Odisha-based enterprises such as Ruchi Food Line, Milk Mantra, Luminous Power, Jivada Ventures, and Indulge Private Limited.
In his address, the Chief Minister praised the successful women entrepreneurs saying, “Women have proven many times before that they can do more than men. Many people do not know how to ride a bicycle, but our women are piloting fighter planes today.”
He said that women entrepreneurs are getting an additional 10 per cent subsidy under the Chief Minister’s Agricultural Enterprise Scheme. “Our government is working on women empowerment and will continue to do so.”
“Our government has paved the way for women to become entrepreneurs. We made an outlay of more than Rs 75,000 crore in the Budget for the welfare of women. The Subhadra Yojana is one such initiative to empower women. Subhadra Yojana has made it possible for many women to launch small businesses, the Chief Minister said.