Jaipur: Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot announced a significant move in Jaipur, revealing that the Rajasthan government plans to introduce a new six percent quota for the Most Backward Castes within the Other Backward Classes (OBCs), thus supplementing the existing 21 percent reservation.
This progressive step comes alongside the ongoing efforts of the OBC commission to conduct a comprehensive survey, identifying the most backward castes within the OBC category. Mr. Gehlot affirmed in a tweet on Wednesday night that the commission is expected to present its findings within a defined timeline.
Furthermore, Mr. Gehlot addressed the persistent demands for reservation from various SC and ST organizations based on population statistics. The government has taken up the task of evaluating these demands thoroughly.
Discussing the 10 percent quota for the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS), the Chief Minister emphasized the removal of the immovable property requirement. This alteration enables this segment to fully avail the quota benefits, promoting a more inclusive approach.