Winter is the time to indulge in seasonal cuisine as well as foods that keep the body warm, healthy, and...
Everyone will say goodbye to 2022, the year that gave us our lives back. After two years of Covid restrictions,...
Merry Christmas 2022: The festival excites everyone, whether they are children, teenagers, or adults. Every year on December 25, the...
On December 23, the country celebrates National Farmer's Day, also known as Kisan Diwas, to honor and recognize farmers as...
The winter season is synonymous with binge-eating and over-indulging because the body, which is usually at rest, craves calorie-rich foods...
Every year on December 4, India celebrates Navy Day with grand displays of the naval force's capabilities. The day commemorates...
Every year on November 26, India commemorates Constitution Day, or National Law Day, as the day the Indian Constitution was...
Today, November 19th, marks the 104th birthday of India's first and only female Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, also known as...
Every year on November 14, India celebrates Children's Day. After the death of India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, affectionately...
Kartik Purnima, will be celebrated this year on November 8, 2022, is one of the most important Hindu festivals. Kartik...