Deputy Chief Minister Pravati Parida declared on Saturday that the fourth part of the first installment of the Subhadra Yojana...
On Saturday, Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi began National Road Safety Month with the 'Come Home Safe' theme on...
Babu Kambhampati was sworn in as Odisha's 27th governor at a ceremony held on Friday at the Raj Bhavan. Kambhampati...
The Odisha Finance Department has launched its pre-budget consultation process, asking input from the public, civil society organizations, advocacy groups,...
Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi announced on Friday that the unseasonal rains are a natural calamity, and farmers impacted will...
The Governor-designate of Odisha, Dr Haribabu Kambampati, will take oath of office on January 3. Dr Haribabu Kambampati will be...
Dr. Mukesh Mahaling, Health and Family Welfare Minister, announced on Monday that the state government will implement the Ayushman Bharat...
Cold nights are expected to resume to Odisha from Wednesday, with the regional office of the India Meteorological Department (IMD)...
The India Meteorological Department's (IMD) regional office in Bhubaneswar stated on Monday that some areas in northern Odisha may see...
Odisha's Deputy Chief Minister Pravati Parida stated on Monday that financial support for women under the Subhadra Yojana will be...