The Union Government has deployed a high level Central Team headed by Dr S K Singh, Director, National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) to Kerala. The team will reach the State day after tomorrow.
The team will review the public health interventions in management of COVID- 19 by the State Government of Kerala and support the State health authorities in these measures.
Kerala has been reporting very high daily new COVID cases since the past many days.
Total of 35,038 new cases were logged during the last seven days. Around 5,000 new cases are added daily to the State COVID19 tally.
The cases added daily during the last one week are as follows:
As an ongoing effort to strengthen efforts of various State/UT Governments for COVID management, the Central Government has been deputing Central teams from time to time to visit various States/UTs. These teams interact with the State/UT authorities and get a first hand understanding of the challenges and issues being faced by them so as to strengthen their ongoing activities and remove bottlenecks, if any.