Cirkus, Rohit Shetty’s mega-hit, is struggling at the box office. Despite Ranveer Singh’s dual role and the festive season, the film failed to connect with the audience. After earning Rs 6.50 crore on day one, the film is expected to earn between Rs 6.50-Rs 7.25 crore on Saturday. According to preliminary estimates, the 10% marginal growth will bring the total to Rs 13.25 crore.
According to a report in Bollywood Hungama, national multiplex chains experienced nominal growth on the second day until the evening shows. It also stated that collections in the mass areas have already begun to fall. “The film is rejected by the audience as that’s what the trend indicates and it won’t be surprising if it fails to even get the benefit of the Christmas holiday on Sunday,” the report stated.
Cirkus has provided Rohit Shetty with his worst opening in a decade. His previous film, Sooryavanshi, which was released in theaters during the pandemic, also had a double-digit opening (Rs 26.29 cr.). Simmba, a 2018 release, made Rs 20.72 crore on day one. Golmaal Again (Rs 30.14 cr), Dilwale (Rs 21 cr), Singham Returns (Rs 32.09 cr), and Chennai Express all had strong debuts (Rs 33.12 cr).
Cirkus had high expectations given the successful combination of Rohit Shetty and Ranveer Singh returning after Simmba. Its low collection, on the other hand, has disappointed the entire industry. On Friday, the film was released in over 3200 theaters across the country, with approximately 10,000 showings. According to Pinkvilla, the movie sold 32,000 advance tickets nationwide. Cirkus was an important release for Ranveer, especially after the failure of the films 83 and Jayeshbhai Jordaar.
Cirkus also features Varun Sharma, Jacqueline Fernandez and Pooja Hegde in lead roles.