The Bargarh Dhanu Jatra-2025 is set to be more popular than before. The state government has doubled the grant amount to encourage this traditional cultural spectacle, which honors the performers and increases its popularity.
The award amount has been increased from Rs 10 lakhs to Rs 1 crore, and substantial procedures have been implemented, the Chief Minister’s Office declared on [date]. The government has decided to pay Rs 10,000 to each of the 170 artists who took part in the largest open-air theatre.
An expert group will be constituted to seek UNESCO heritage status for the Dhanu Jatra. A separate website will be built to give all event-related information. For the first time, the Dhanu Yatra will be shown live on LED displays in various locations around Odisha.
Artists and their families who have previously participated in the Dhanu Yatra will be honored and felicitated, according to the CMO.