After a strong start at the box office (Rs 6.50 crore), Tiger Shroff’s Heropanti 2 saw a significant drop in its first-day collections on Monday. According to Bollywood Hungama, the film earned Rs 1.10 crore on Monday, which is 72.5 percent less than its Sunday earnings (Rs 4 crore).
Runway 34, directed by Ajay Devgn and released on the same day as Heropanti 2, fared slightly better. According to Bollywood Hungama, it earned Rs 2.25 crore on its first Monday. The film got off to a slow start, with a first-day collection of Rs 3 crore.
Both Runway 34 and Heropanti 2 are up against Yash’s KGF Chapter 2, which is now in its third week and shows no signs of slowing down, even in the Hindi belt. The film earned Rs 3.75 crore on Monday, surpassing both Runway 34 and Heropanti 2. With this, the film’s total (Hindi) collection now stands at Rs 373.33 crore.
Film trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared on Twitter, “#KGF2 is all set to emerge 2ND HIGHEST GROSSING *HINDI* FILM… Also, #Eid holidays will expedite its journey towards ₹ 400 cr… ALL TIME BLOCKBUSTER… [Week 3] Fri 4.25 cr, Sat 7.25 cr, Sun 9.27 cr, Mon 3.75 cr. Total: ₹ 373.33 cr. #India biz. #Hindi.”
KGF 2 may soon surpass the lifetime earnings of Aamir Khan’s Dangal, which grossed Rs 387.38 crore. However, surpassing the lifetime collection of Baahubali: The Conclusion in Hindi (Rs 510.99 cr) appears to be a challenge.
The film’s worldwide collection was noted to be Rs 1034.85 crore on Tuesday. Film trade expert Manobala Vijayabalan shared on Twitter, “#KGFChapter2 WW Box Office EXCELLENT performance even on 3rd Monday Week 1 – ₹ 720.31 cr Week 2 – ₹ 223.51 cr Week 3 Day 1 – ₹ 15.28 cr Day 2 – ₹ 12.42 cr Day 3 – ₹ 24.30 cr Day 4 – ₹ 29.79 cr Day 5 – ₹ 9.24 cr Total – ₹ 1034.85 cr.” He also shared that the film is the first Kannada movie to cross the Rs 100 crore mark in Karnataka only.