Mahindra unveiled its first all-electric SUV, the XUV400, a few months ago and set a January 2023 launch date without revealing the price. According to Autocar, the XUV400 will be available in three trim levels: Base, EP, and EL. While a variant-by-variant feature breakdown has yet to be released, the top-spec trim will include, among other things, a 7.0-inch touchscreen with the brand’s Adreno X software, connected car technology with over-the-air (OTA) updates, and a single-pane sunroof. Six airbags, all-wheel disc brakes, and ISOFIX child seat anchorages are among the safety features of the e-SUV. More information about trim-level features is likely to be revealed closer to the launch.
The Mahindra XUV400 EV will be powered by a 39.4kWh battery pack, which will send power to the front-axle-mounted electric motor, which will produce 150hp and 310Nm of peak torque. The e-SUV claims to sprint from a standstill to triple digit speed in 8.3 seconds, with a top speed of 150kph. The XUV400 promises a driving range of 456 km on a full charge, and the battery claims to charge up to 80% in 50 minutes using a 50kW DC fast charger. Using a 7.2 kW/32A outlet, charging from 0% to 100% takes about 6 hours 30 minutes.
The Mahindra XUV400 will also have three driving modes: Fun, Fast, and Fearless, which adjust throttle and steering response as well as regenerative braking.
The XUV400 e-SUV, based on the XUV300, is expected to be priced around Rs. 18-20 lakh ex-showroom when it is released in January 2023. It will compete with the Tata Nexon EV Maxx, which is priced similarly in India.