Deputy Chief Minister Pravati Parida declared on Saturday that the fourth part of the first installment of the Subhadra Yojana will be disbursed to female beneficiaries after January 15.
During a media event, Parida confirmed that beneficiaries who applied before March 30 will receive two installments.
“Although the last date for receiving the first installment was set for March 8, those who applied after March 30 would still be eligible to receive the financial support,” she said.
The Odisha government had previously set March 31 as the deadline for registration under the Subhadra Yojana.
However, the Deputy Chief Minister stressed that no eligible beneficiary would be excluded from the plan.
To ensure this, Anganwadi personnel will perform door-to-door surveys to verify and identify all eligible beneficiaries.
This process will guarantee that every qualified woman will receive the benefits of the Subhadra Yojana.