On January 24, the Odisha government will begin a statewide housing survey for the rural Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY). This time, recipients can apply both online and offline, according to information released by Panchayati Raj Minister Rabi Narayan Naik on Monday.
Beneficiaries can apply offline at the Panchayat office in their area.
According to Naik, Odisha is hoping for a larger part of the budget, and the Center has increased the number of dwellings under the PMAY-Rural from two crore to three crore this time. Additionally, the requirements for applying to the housing plan have been loosened this time.
The study will therefore take into account those who have split up with their families, such as kids who live away from their parents or spouses who live apart from their husbands. The minister added that those who previously applied for the housing plan but were not granted the benefit might reapply.
It is anticipated that the survey will run for six to eight weeks.