As instructed by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, 5T Secretary VK Pandian met with the injured of the Bahanaga Bazar Station railway disaster today at SCB Medical College & Hospital in Cuttack.
Pandian inquired about their condition and assured them of the Odisha government’s full support in delivering better care.
He also spoke with the physicians and personnel, thanking them for their genuine efforts and hard work in providing outstanding care to the injured.
Because of their assistance, such a huge health operation could be carried out successfully, and many lives could be spared, according to Pandian.
In a comment reminiscent of Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, Pandian stated, “Every life is precious for all of us,” and commended the physicians and employees for adopting this as their motto.
The 5T Secretary also expressed gratitude to the doctors and students who donated blood to the victims of the train disaster.
According to the report, 1175 injured people were admitted to various government and private hospitals.
A total of 793 passengers have been discharged following treatment, with 382 passengers continuing undergoing treatment in various government and private facilities. Two of them are stated to be in critical condition.