Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023: In January 2023, the sixth edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC), the annual program in which PM Modi interacts with students, teachers, and parents and talks about reducing exam stress, will be held in a town hall format at Talkatora Stadium in New Delhi.
To be considered for the PPC program, students must compete in an online creative competition that began on November 25 and will end on December 30. The competition is open to students in grades 9 through 12, as well as teachers and parents. Applicants must submit their applications at
Winners will receive a certificate signed by NCERT’s director and a copy of the book ‘Exam Warrior’ around 2050. NCERT may include selected questions from its shortlist in the program. Those who asked those questions may have the opportunity to interact with the media.
Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023: Themes for children
Know your freedom fighters
Our Culture is our pride
My Book My Inspiration
Save Environment for future generations
My Life, My Health
Why is staying healthy so important? What do you do to remain in good health?
My Startup Dream
STEM Education/ Education without Boundaries
Toys and Games for Learning in Schools
Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023: Themes for teachers
Our Heritage
Enabling Learning Environment
Education for Skilling
Lesser Curricular Load and No fear for exams
Future Educational Challenges
Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023: Themes for parents
My Child, My Teacher
Adult Education- Making Everyone Literate
Learning and Growing Together