The Realme 10 Pro smartphone will be available on sale in India. It will be available in 6GB RAM + 128GB storage and 8GB RAM + 128GB storage variants for Rs 18,999 and Rs 19,999, respectively, on the Realme online store, Flipkart, and select offline stores. Realme’s introductory offers include an instant Rs 1,000 discount on select bank cards and a no-interest equated monthly installment of up to 6 months on the base model on Flipkart.
Realme 10 Pro: Specifications
The Realme 10 Pro is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 695 5G processor and features a 6.72-inch IPS LCD screen with a refresh rate of 120Hz and a peak brightness level of 680 nits. It has a dual-camera set-up on the back, featuring a 100-megapixel primary camera sensor paired with a 2MP depth sensor.
It has a 16MP camera sensor on the front. It boots the Realme UI 4.0, which is based on the Android 13 operating system.
The phone supports 33W fast wired charging and is powered by a 5,000 mAh battery. It is equipped with a geomagnetic sensor, a light sensor, a distance sensor, a gyroscope, and an acceleration sensor. A microSD card slot for storage expansion, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, a 3.5mm audio jack, dual-SIM support, and a USB-C port for charging and data transfers are also included. It is available in hyperspace gold, dark matter, and nebula blue colors.