Pathaan’s makers released the film’s teaser on Shah Rukh Khan’s birthday. The Pathaan teaser has already taken the internet by storm despite the fact that it was only released a short time ago. Pathaan, starring SRK, Deepika Padukone, and John Abraham, will be released on January 25, 2023. Director Siddharth Anand spoke out about the film months before its release. He stated that the Pathaan teaser is “just the beginning.”
Commenting on the hype around Pathaan, Siddharth said, “The craze for a glimpse of Pathaan has been unprecedented. After a long, long time, there’s an insane buzz for a film that is genuine and organic. And it’s all due to the superstardom of this one man – Shah Rukh Khan. His fans and we are talking of millions of them, have been clamouring for just a peek at him and his film. And thus, there could be no better day to put out the teaser of Pathaan than SRK’s birthday.”
The director further said Pathaan is an emotion for the entire team. “For us, Pathaan is not just a film, it is an emotion, as we are aiming to make the biggest action spectacle with one of the all-time biggest on-screen icons that Indian cinema has ever seen. The teaser is just the beginning to deliver on that promise on the big screen on Jan 25, 2023!
On 2023 3 major SRK films are set to be released this year. Following the release of Pathaan, the superstar will appear in Atlee’s Jawan alongside Nayanthara. And the year will come to a close with Shah’s film Dunki, starring Taapsee Pannu. Rajkumar Hirani directed the film.