On Friday, the Sensex fell by 662.87 points to settle at 79,402.29, while the Nifty fell 218.60 points to 24,180.80. The biggest gainers on the Nifty index included ITC, Axis Bank, BEL, Britannia Industries, and Hindustan Unilever. IndusInd Bank, BPCL, Coal India, and Shriram Finance were among the biggest losers.
According to exchange data, Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) sold equities worth Rs 5,062.45 crore, while Domestic Institutional Investors (DIIs) purchased equities worth Rs 3,620.47 crore on the previous trading day.The market value of all BSE-listed companies fell by Rs 9.8 lakh crore, to Rs 435.1 lakh crore. IndusInd Bank, M&M, L&T, and ICICI Bank drove the Sensex down by 445 points.
Sector-wise, the Nifty indices for Auto, Bank, Metal, PSU Bank, Realty, and Consumer Durables fell between 2% and 3.6%.
Top gainers and losers on the NSE
Top gainers:
ITC (2.24%), Axis Bank (1.85%), BEL (1.55%), Britannia (1.24%), Hindustan Unilever (1.01%)
Top losers:
IndusInd (-18.99%), Adani Enterprises (-4.90%), BPCL (-4.82%), Shriram Finance (-3.92%), Coal India (-3.62%)