Under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), the Odisha government has started a thorough housing survey to find and assist qualified recipients throughout the state.
The survey was formally launched on Friday in Arjunsinghpur village of Jasuapur Gram Panchayat, which is situated in the Pipili block of Puri district, by Panchayati Raj Minister Rabi Narayan Naik. The Minister spoke with recipients during the event and underlined the government’s dedication to providing homes for everyone.
In order to reach a wider demographic, the poll, which will be administered using a mobile application, has revised its eligibility requirements. Participation is now open to families with landlines, refrigerators, and two-wheelers. Additionally, the monthly family income limit has been raised to ₹15,000, making the scheme more accessible to low and middle-income households.
Individuals who have separated from their families will also be eligible for the program, which represents a considerable loosening of rules. This covers those who live apart from their spouses or parents. Additionally, anyone who applied before but haven’t received their allotments can reapply during this survey.
In an effort to streamline the application procedure, beneficiaries can now apply online and offline. To enable digital applications, an online portal will be launched on the first day of the survey. In order to promote increased involvement from eligible residents, the government has also eliminated application fees.
Speaking about the project, Minister Naik emphasized that the survey will take six to eight weeks to complete and that the goal is to raise the number of homes covered by the program from two crore to three crore across the country. The emphasis in Odisha will be on locating and integrating residents who were previously excluded. This new survey will also handle more than 50,963 pending orders.
Approximately 23 lakh homes have already been built in Odisha, while 28.25 lakh households have been sanctioned under PMAY thus far. The goal of the survey is to close the gap and guarantee that all worthy families may find suitable accommodation.