Tata Motors announced on Saturday that the new long-range Nexon EV will go on sale on May 11. This announcement comes just one day after Tata Motors unveiled Avinya, a new electric vehicle concept based on the automaker’s new Pure EV third-generation architecture.
According to the media. Tata Motors’ new long-range Nexon EV SUV is expected to have a range of around 450 km on a single charge. The car would most likely include a more powerful 6.6 kW AC Charger.
According to rumours, the new Nexon EV will have a larger 40kWh battery pack as well as an upgraded electric motor that will produce more power and torque than the standard Nexon EV.
The exterior design of the 2022 Nexon EV is expected to be similar to the current model. The new car is also expected to have disc brakes on the rear wheels, as it will have more power than the current model due to the larger battery pack and stronger engine.
It is also expected to have larger proportions than the standard Nexon and distinct front and rear profiles.
In terms of performance, the long-range Nexon EV is expected to compete with mid-size SUVs such as the MG ZS EV, Hyundai Kona, Hyundai Creta, and KIA Seltos, and will be based on the same X1 platform as its predecessor Nexon.
Meanwhile, Tata Motors expects to aggressively increase annual production of electric vehicles (EVs) to more than 80,000 units this fiscal year, according to sources familiar with the matter. Tata currently accounts for 90% of India’s EV sales, despite the fact that the segment accounts for only 1% of the country’s annual sales of approximately 3 million vehicles.