Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who turns 72 on Saturday, is receiving birthday greetings from all over the country and the world. PM Modi arrived in New Delhi this morning after attending the SCO Summit in Uzbekistan. He is scheduled to attend four events today, including the release of eight cheetahs brought from Namibia to Madhya Pradesh’s Kuno National Park.
Extending her wishes, President Droupadi Murmu said she hoped the nation-building campaign being carried out by PM Modi would continue to progress under his leadership.
“Hearty congratulations and best wishes to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his birthday. I wish that the nation-building campaign being carried out by you with incomparable hard work, dedication and creativity, continues to progress under your leadership. I wish that God bless you with good health and long life,” the President tweeted.
A restaurant in Lutyens’ Delhi, Ardor 2.1, will be serving a 56-inch thali for 10 days starting from today on the occasion of PM Modi’s birthday. “We are huge fans of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Our restaurant is known for its thalis. The 56-inch thali is an assimilation of 56 dishes culminated into a single thali. It is to commemorate his birthday and to honour what he has done for the country and its citizens,” owner Suveett Kalra said.
Two lucky winners will be chosen from those who eat the thali between September 17 and September 26. They will be able to take a free trip to Kedarnath.
The thali will include 20 different types of sabzis, breads, dal, and gulab jamun, as well as a choice of kulfi. The lunch vegetarian thali costs $2,600 plus taxes, while the non-vegetarian thali costs $2,900 plus taxes. Dinner thalis cost an additional $300 per thali. If either of the two people who have joined forces completes the thali in 40 minutes, they will be awarded 8.5 lakh.
Source:IE. HT